The Power of Choice: It's Your Move

What Is It That You Are Created To Do?

As you age, you may discover that your life is not as passionate as you thought it would be. You may find that you lack the energy and zeal you once experienced.

You have spent years working on a job and doing for others, but now you are at a loss about what you should do next. It is time for you to allow the power of choice to work in your favor.

Now is the perfect time for you to start the process of discovering who you are and what you want to do. The process is known as finding your underlying principle. Finding your underlying principle may be great because it will give your life direction and purpose.

In addition, it will provide you with the clarity and focus that could awaken the unbelievable forces hidden deep inside you.

In this article, I will share some of the basic principles of life. I will also share a step-by-step method for you to use to examine your feelings and explore your options.

This article aims to provide you with reliable tools you could immediately apply in your life to give it a more meaningful direction.

How to discover your purpose in life?

EMBRACE the principle of choice.
Discover YOUR underlying principle.
Align your LIFE with your underlying principle.

The principle of choice.

Norman Vincent Peale describes the power of choice in this manner. "The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is a fact that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy.

But, on the other hand, if you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The quality of anyone's life is determined by choices made".

Aren't you grateful that you have the power of choice? What if everything you decide to do had to have someone else's approval. That is why I encourage you to embrace the principle of "choice." In so doing, you can change your direction.

Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle is one of the most critical activities of your mind because you are declaring your desires to your subconscious mind. However, this can only happen when you make a choice.

Once the subconscious mind knows your desires, it will do what it takes to manifest your intentions or desires in your life. Thus, the decisions you make in your life become your goals. And, if you are serious about your choices, there is no reason you should not accomplish them.

On the other hand, choices create frustration and anxiety and confuse the subconscious mind about what you want. Therefore, you must choose according to your true desires, purposes, and aptitude.

Many of us let others make choices for us or according to what we think is 'correct,' even if that means that we go against our wishes. However, what is suitable for someone may not be right for you, and the way to know this is by listening to what your heart says about a situation.

Grab your tablet, your phone, a piece of paper, and a pencil and start writing. But, first, list things that are meaningful to you.

Your list should include:

a. What things you have always enjoyed?
b. What things make you feel better?
c. What things inspire you?
d. What things keep going regardless of obstacles?

Are you artistic or creative? Do you enjoy nature, do you like the sea? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you get pleasure from making a difference in other people's lives?

After you make your list, take time to answer the following questions?

(1) What do you love about this thing and why?
(2) Can I do this for money and make a living?

Discovering Your Underlying Principle:

Take a close look at your list to determine which items are repeats and which appear to be the central focus. By doing this, you will be able to decide what you love. Maybe it is gardening or teaching that keeps coming up, an effort to seek or give love, or helping your others cope with life.

Try to identify the central theme of the things you love to do and put it in a short and precise statement. For example, you may discover that your main desire is teaching in formal and informal settings.

By doing this, you will define your mission or statement of purpose. It may even be a quote by a famous person or a philosophy that has influenced you. Of course, as you get older, this statement may change, but its core will remain the same. So now, write down your Mission Statement.

Align your life with your principle:

Finally, embrace your ultimate purpose. Make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to help you implement this principle in your life. LIVE this principle every day. However, do not be too hard on yourself if you notice a slight resistance to the change.

It may take a few days, but you will undoubtedly feel your enthusiasm growing toward your goals for your life.

If you discover that you love the sound of nature, make plans to enjoy the outdoors. Maybe a picnic in the park with your children or grandchildren could be enough to recoup your energy.

But on the other hand, you might even want to change your job or start a new business that aligns more with your mission.

Whatever it is, please, do it.
Remember – "Do what you love, and money will follow."
Pat Bracy

The Importance Of Self-Care

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2 years ago

This article was very inspiring. It provides a blue print to discovering principles purpose in life. I find my self revisiting it often to incorporate each element. Your blog is more than a group of articles it serves as a user guide.

Alvenia Rhodes
2 years ago

Great subject choices. Everyone has a choice but sometimes we dont make the right one especially when it comes to our healthy living. Depending on circumstances healthy livingmay not be affordable but we have a choice to make it work in our favor especially when you trust in God. Choosing the right career is also what God place in you that keeps you enjoying what you do. Take time to make great choices for your life

Laverne Haynes
2 years ago

This article was most helpful to me as I am in pursuit of purpose. "Do what you love, and money will follow." WILL DO!!!!!

Queen Young-Wynn
2 years ago

This article pointed out some interesting fact for me. I know I have the power to choose but I never thought to write a list of things that are meaningful to me. I will have to think about that before creating my list and read this article again. Thanks

2 years ago

The greatest power we have is the power of choice