Looking Young And Fresh Through Self-Care

The Blessedness Of Aging

Age is indeed just a number, but when that number starts hitting a particular mark, your body and mind can’t help but show signs of aging. It gets harder to do certain things. Even simple tasks like bathing and walking without support can become challenging. By following these guidelines, you can look young and fresh through self-care.

Our bodies degenerate with time, especially if we neglect them in our younger years. When you’re young, you take your health for granted, without realizing that alcohol, unhealthy food, stress, poor sleep, and lack of exercise take years off your life.

The fact is that self-care is all about mind over matter. Fitness and health are more of a mental challenge than a physical one, and convincing yourself that you are capable of much more is the real battle.

It would help if you believed that you could achieve your fitness goals at any age and actively work toward them. Start small, set attainable goals, and reward yourself for staying motivated. Finding the proper workout is challenging; however, it is obtainable. Check out my blog for some of my top fitness regimes and recommendations.

Of course, no fitness journey is complete without the proper nutrition, especially at an older age when your body is more fragile, low on energy, and prone to breaking down.

You can find some incredible resources on my website that will provide you with information about nutrition and eating right—including diet plans that give you energy and strength.

It’s also essential to keep your mind active, engaging in various activities that keep you mentally stimulated. Several quizzes, games, and stress management apps are incredibly effective at helping you relax and unwind.

Staying young and healthy is a holistic journey, not something accomplished overnight. You need to engage your mind, body, and emotions all at the same time! The goal is to look young and fresh through self-care.
Leave your questions and comments below.

Thank you
Pat Bracy


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2 years ago

Focusing on self-care is my number one priority as I age. Incorporating reasonable exercise routines into my daily life has really been beneficial to how I feel. I definitely agree with the statement in this article that quality self care is definitely mind over matter. Once I made up my mind to focus on my overall wellness things became more easy to stick to. Thank you for the resources that are provided through this blog site they have been very instrumental in my success to healthy living.

Alvenia Rhodes
2 years ago

I like this because as we get older we prepare ourselves for that after life with God when we should be keeping ourselves up and looking good until He comes to get us

Alvenia Rhodes
2 years ago

I have to start checking into things that's going to keep my mind functioning this is a great read

2 years ago

This article is motivating I realize as I age self care is so important