Selfcare Without Guilt

Practice Self-Care Without Guilt


Many people feel guilty about spending time and resources on their self-care. There are a lot of complex reasons for this within our society. Despite what anyone else may say, you deserve to focus on your own needs. It is beneficial to those you love when you take care of yourself. You honestly can’t fill another’s cup if your own is empty. So, I’d like to take this opportunity to emphasize why you shouldn’t feel guilty for practicing self-care and encourage you to do so in every area of your life.


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Self-Care Not Selfish


First and foremost, you must understand that taking time to care for yourself is not selfish. It may be hard to get past the mindset that the needs of others are more important than your own, but overcoming this mindset is essential to allow yourself to meet your own needs adequately. Furthermore, care isn’t a zero-sum concept. When you care for yourself, it doesn’t mean you don’t care about others.


Self-Care Is Necessary


Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It is like the airplane air mask comparison. You have to ensure you can breathe before you can help those around you. If you’re tired, rundown, and overwhelmed all the time, you absolutely cannot give your best self to others. You also can’t offer yourself the very best. Remember that self-care isn’t selfish.


Self-Care Sets a Good Example


If you are a parent, investing in self-care is not only good for you; it sets an excellent example for your kids. Even if you don’t have children, taking the time to care for yourself might inspire or motivate those around you. However, for a stigma to end, it has to be normalized. When more of us let the world around us know why self-care matters, they may begin to change their minds about the concept.


Self-Care Demands Respect


It also sets a precedent for how you expect others to treat you. When you demonstrate that you value yourself and find it worth investing time in yourself, they will respond. Learning to say no and set boundaries is good for your relationships. It teaches others how you expect them to treat you and clarifies that you see yourself as a priority. There’s no reason to feel guilty about that.


It will take time to overcome a lifetime of messages society has given you and you’ve internalized. But, with practice, you can see the benefits of self-care and that it doesn’t have to be something that causes guilt.

Pat Bracy

The Importance Of Self-Care

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